An interview with La Boum Atelier
We are so excited about this new and refreshing interview with Danie and Leni. Last year these two friends/business partners established La Boum Atelier. The atelier was created from a shared love for France and unique vintage designs. We sit down to talk to them about their business, their family life and their dreams for the future.
How do you manage to organize everything? Do you divide the tasks?
In the beginning we did everything together, but mostly we see it is best to divide the tasks. Usually we develop the products together, Leni has the perfect background education regarding marketing, photography and social media, and years ago I worked in the field of styling and interior. Besides from this we divide the tasks from the backoffice and the logistics.
Welcome ladies, please introduce yourselves. Last year you started the company La Boum Atelier together. What is it exactly that you are doing and how did this company come to life?
Leni and I have a lot in common but are different as well. For a shared company that is a welcome combination. Most of all we love living in beautiful places. After many afternoons, evenings and beautiful walks together, in which we shared our creative ideas, we thought to ourselves: why should not we just combine our great ideas and put them into practice. This was the beginning of “La Boum”…
What can you share with us about your sense of style and design? What sets you apart?
Our style can definitely be classified as outspokenly eclectic and is inspired by French design. We adore France, the culture and their own taste and style in many areas. Our own designed products are very playful. We simply want to step away from the purity that has dominated the design and interior world for the last 10 years.

Having a family whilst running a business – what are your experiences, any tips?
Yes, it can definitely be a handful at times. Without clear and good timemanagement it just does not work. Especially during these Covid-times and all of the homeschooling that comes with it, you are dependable on support from family. An essential? A structured planning for the week, else no work is getting done.
What are your personal favorite family activities?
We love to spend a lot of time in nature and Leni just discovered a new passion for gardening. When the situation allows it, we are going to start travelling again… mostly to France.. which is where we get our inspiration from. On flea markets, in other countries, we always manage to find unique pieces which we then proceed to sell through our online shop ;-)
What do the stars mean to you?
We love the stars, and we have a great interest in astrology. This interest sometimes even makes us decide to do something based on our horoscopes.
What is a moment that you will cherish forever? (Besides from true milestones in life such as a new birth – what is a moment you will never forget and do you often reminisce to that moment?
The birth of our childer was a moment to never forget. To be able to experience such a moment is beautiful. Leni and I are mothers to our dogs as well. Milo and Quin, Leni’s puppys and mine, Poppy and Falco were born last year. That was also a truely remarkable moment for us!
What are your dreams for the future?
We see dreaming about what is yet to come as our strength. Everything we have has come from our dreams. In the future it would be wonderful to be able to just work and focus on La Boum. We are truely living our dream. We get to be creative, have the best times creating new products and we get to spend a lot of time together, which we love. We would adore to have a small hotel in southern France, which we could decorate through our own vision and with our own products… Who knows what is yet to come. ;-)

Each month we interview someone whom we met online or offline, who inspires us in the field of interior design, entrepreneurship and their way of life.