An interview with Marielle Smit
This year started off pretty well for Marielle Smit! By launching her company Mama Deli she is the very first to serve frozen fresh baby food- in a jiffy.
The first months of her second business have been successful and that’s a big win, as 2020 has not been an easy year. Her first company, MME Hospitality (in the event industry) has been hit rather hard by the pandemic- but Marielle is not a quitter. She remains positive, fights for her first business and simultaneously builds a second one. She shows us that by working hard, listening to your heart and always believing in yourself, you can still achieve a lot. Which matches perfectly with the message in our children’s’ book ‘Pak de Sterren’ (‘Reach for the Stars’): if you can dream it, you can do it. Always reach for the stars! That’s why we are very proud of this collab and would love to introduce you to Mama Deli ánd Marielle!
We discuss her endless amount of energy, balancing a healthy work-life balance, dreams for the future and so much more…
P.s. Check our Instagram account for a delicious giveaway- you can still participate until April 13! Placing an order with either us or Mama Deli soon? You’ll receive a little extra too! (NL&BE only)
You are full of energy! But, once asleep, what can we wake you up for?
Wow, that’s a hard one! Since we hardly slept for nine months straight after our daughter’s birth, I’d rather not be woken up during the night! But if I had to choose, it would be a holiday to a sunny destination with my family. It sounds like a dream during these strange times, but I so long for some sunshine, great food and the company of my family- and a little sleep while the others play with our Stevie! So, when will you wake me up?!
Tell us about your favourite family activities!
I love our mornings together, just the three of us. Breakfast in bed and slowly waking up before we need to start moving.
I also love getting up early during the weekends to go to the beach- whether the sun is out or not. Breezy walks and endlessly staring at the ocean. Our weekdays are so chaotic and the beach calms us down! Cycling together makes me happy too, just like playing in Grandpa and Grandma’s garden. As long as we are outside! I loved being in nature as a kid and we can tell Stevie does too!
Your new home is currently being built and you get to focus on the interior. What can you tell us about your style and sense of design?
Yes! In all honesty, I hardly have the time because of my new company, so I sense a bit of stress creeping up on me while answering this question… There’s still so much to be done, but fortunately I get lots of help while deciding, and I got almost everything at Décor, my favourite furniture store. I am not one for finding all the must haves immediately- although that may happen when we actually live there. Right now I am just being practical and a one-stop shopper! The most important characteristics of my interior are serenity and warmth! Too much stuff stresses me out so it needs to be cosy without too many frills.
You currently own two companies ánd you are a mother; how do you organize all that? Or maybe not ;)
The latter: I don’t haha. Oh well, it keeps me on my toes, but it was my decision! Stevie is my number one and I feel that I am actually a nicer mom to her because of my companies. I work at the office four days a week and sneak in extra working hours during her naps, and after her bedtime in the evening. Next to that I have lovely people helping me out- I would be lost without them!
What does me-time mean to you and how do you manage to create those moments?
Let’s be honest: I don’t. That’s something that needs to chance, but this is just how it is for now. Building a new company takes time and a lot of effort. So my me-time is currently when being at the office and focussing on what I love: expanding my companies. I’ve never been great at creating downtime, but I try to take up boxing once or twice a week- does that count?
What’s a moment you’ll remember forever (next to precious milestones such as a birth) and do you think back to that moment a lot?
I have many of those moments but the first one that pops up is my participation in Strive Challenge four years ago. I cycled 705 km throughout Italy with my brother and boyfriend for charity- while I had never been on a racing bike before. It was such a special battle, both mentally and physically; I’ll never ever forget. I think of those moments a lot, as I think it’s incredible you can endure so much more than you think! A great reminder when experiencing a setback.
What do the stars mean to you?
To me, a starry sky is magical. The stars remind me of loved ones who are not around anymore. Next to that, I have always been mesmerized by constellations; I have a special birth book based on the stars and I was super curious about my daughter’s zodiac. At first she was going to be a Scorpion, but eventually she was born a Libra.
What are your dreams for the future?
Personally: to create more tranquility for myself and my family, in our new home, surrounded by our families, all in good health! Workwise: Expanding my company Mama Deli, so our newest generation grows up eating healthy, pure and wholesome food instead of preserved items.
Thank you so much, Marielle!
More about Marielle: @mariellesmit on Instagram and Mama Deli
On a regular basis we interview someone we met on- or offline,
who inspires us with regards to interior design, entrepreneurship and lifestyle.